
:: Luther Had His Chance (On Luther's letters to The Patriarch Jeremias of Constantinople, 1576-1581) -
Stephen Runciman 

:: Внимание: секти! Тоталитарни и деструктивни религиозни обществa
Книга за сектите - Николай Ангелов 
Срещу сектите - Александър Долев

:: На други езици и на други сайтове
> Sola Scriptura: In the Vanity of Their Minds - John Whiteford
Только Одно Писание - Джон Уайтфорд
> Selected Excerpts from the Three Answers: selected texts from the Three Answers of Patriarch Jeremiah II to the Lutheran Tubingen
scholars regarding the "Augsburg Confession" (16th cent.)
> Justification by Faith Alone? The Reply of Patriarch Jeremiah II to the Lutheran Tubingen Theologians (16th
> The Confession of Augsburg (1530 AD)
> Спасение и вера по православному учению - Из сочинения архиепископа (Финляндского) Сергия: "Православное
учение о спасении"
> Differences Between Orthodox Teaching on Salvation And That of Protestants - Paul Jacobson
> Учение об оправдании верою у апостола Павла в
контексте иудаизма I в. по Р. Х. Павел Лебедев
> Totalitarian sects - How to protect yourself and your loved ones - Alexander
